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underneath the stars
Navigations are at the top.
bold italic underline link

Monday, July 14, 2008
9:50:00 PM

All groovy~ Okay,im really sad that erm... someone passed away...

but we need to get on with life right?So here i am,posting 3 months after the last time i posted!

Im back with some new songs(not really)

You may have heard it b4(very likely*nods*)

Viva la Vida by Coldplay(very likely hear b4)

Brand New World! by [D-51](not likely,unless fan of [D-51],fan of J-Music or watches One Piece)

Fall For You by 2nd Hand Serenade(quite likely...for people who likes music*shrugs*like me)



Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Long time no post
2:52:00 PM

Sry about the long time absent,i was busy with my exams and i have a lot of things complain about(but i wont nag here:P).

Hurray!!My siggy making have improved also.I also hope that a cyclone dosent hit in Singapore like in Myanmar.10000 people died sia>,<

I might also be changing my blog,so watch out for my posts^_^".(you know im lying)

Some of my siggy work(recent):



Monday, February 18, 2008
2:23:00 PM

When i came back from school today,i saw 4 police vans parked beside a big drain near my house.I oso saw a lot of police inside the big drain searching for smth.My father said that a thief escaped down the big drain.Another thing,i saw in the newspaper a teacher put up 4 terrible compos(it's realli terrible...i quote"the fire engine rushed inside the building and rescued the children.The fire engine was as brave as a lion"ROFL?) in his blog for amusement!!

Monday, February 11, 2008
2:15:00 PM

I was thinking about it last night,humans are so selfish.
Trees give us oxygen,and what do we do to repay them?Log them!Burn them!
What about animals,animals dont hurt humans unless provoked and they provide meat and entertainment for us and what do we do?Kill them!Poach them!Make them extinct!
The selfishness of a human is unrealised until you die,and when you die what do you waste?Trees!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Crazy Songs
9:23:00 PM

rofled at this

Friday, January 25, 2008
School's Update
6:41:00 PM

Today was just not my day,i got a haircut yesd and i thought it was rediculious.

then my stupid HE teacher when and scold me for no reason!!then it oni when worse,my internet was spoiled for 2 hours then the games i played cannot sia!!

Thats why i conclude that school is F-

Saturday, January 19, 2008
12:44:00 PM

Yay!! Today my piano teacher wont come^^

No piano lesson=No scolding.^^

Friday, January 18, 2008
School's Terror
7:58:00 PM

I am going to describe school,so try and bear with the vulgarites.

2.Homework=Community Service
3.P.E=Work Break
4.Recess=Lunch Time!!
5.End Of School=Freeedom!!

Ya thats what i think of school.The oni gd thing is that can go computer lab xD

Oh ya,whos wants some J-Pop song can add me in msn


3:35:00 PM

I just chged my blog layout,hope you like it!!

2:45:00 PM

This song rox!!

it's Innocent Sorrow by Abingdon School Boys

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
11:59:00 AM

My fave 3 songs


3.Rolling Stars-Yui

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
9:28:00 PM

Just back from MY for my grandfathers funeral...b4 tat i went to new zealand and it was sweet.Awesome sencery,crystal clear rivers,and nice sashimi xD
I thought it was awesome as the food was nice and cheap(cheep).Ya,i brought souviners for my classmates,sheep WOOL!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Raft Wars
1:22:00 PM

Have fun Playin

Saturday, November 10, 2007
12:14:00 PM

today i have piano lessons and i realli dont like them=="

Friday, November 9, 2007
8:21:00 PM

i realli like the players fallin over the banners

5:15:00 PM

Another 1

rofl at this 1

another silly 1

5:05:00 PM

Heres one.

a robot,definetely not human

4:59:00 PM

Got some nice videos,just wait awhil;e

4:58:00 PM

Ok,i found some nice videos.wait for awhile.

3:41:00 PM

Hi.My first post on this blog,gonna update some interesting videos here soon
